Blog Page created April 16th 2024. Last updated April 24th 2024. Feel free to shoot me a message at my Escargot:

Hello there, newcomer.

I hope you like the sick Death Star background. This is my safe place where I can express myself about random crap.

As you can see, I am not the best at HTML, in fact, I quite suck... Like, a lot.

But that's not the point, so who cares.

the REAL point is that... This page... Is not like your regular old blog.

Unlike other blogs, things aren't separated by links here, here it'll be one huge page where I post all of my cool stuff.

Oldest posts will be at the top, and you would have to scroll all the way down to the bottom to read the newest ones.

Does that sound annoying to you? That's because it is, but it's one hell of an awesome concept for a page if you ask me.

I decided to start posting here after I left Discord for good, that place was the definition of a cesspool.

I'd only find massive bigots and creeps in there, I can only recall like 5 people I know in Discord that are still my friends and didn't turn into complete degenerates and/or nazis.

Which, they are probably reading this...

The first 2 most likely won't give a fuck, The other 3 will probably shit themselves until their pants are tinted brown and tell this to every person they know. + call me an autist fag.

Most of my interests in there would get trashed on, Mostly Homestuck and Touhou.

Everytime I'd try to bring them up they'd lose their shit, so I acted as if I didn't like them anymore so they would leave me alone.

That said, I still have some problems with those 2, specially with Homestuck.

My biggest gripe is that the character design just sucks... You've probably heard this a million times already but if you want to make a good and iconic original character, you have to:

  • 1. Make them have a recognizable silhouette
  • 2. Make them have a recognizable color palette

... Homestuck characters have none of these things.

For fucks sake, even Comicwader follows these principles, and Comicwader is a joke! (which BTW you should totally read *wink*)

And for Touhou Project, although I enjoy the games, the lore is WAAAAY too large.

There is way too many characters (a large quantity of them which only appear once and never again), and the story is so complicated you'll probably die of a stroke trying to understand it all.

And the community... oh, don't even get me started on those retards.

Going back to Discord, I've felt much better since I left it, because now I can focus on what really matters... That being my passions! Doom mapping, Romhacking, and Drawing.

I'm not saying I'll cut Discord completely, I'll still use it to talk to my (few) friends from time to time. (mostly the ones I've met IRL)

But I won't be in any servers anymore, or be as active as before.

On a completely unrelated note, I've also started playing through Earthbound, I've been loving it so far!

But I can't figure out how to get to the Titanic Ant though, not because the method is complicated, but because the caves leading to it are absolutely FULL to the brim with super annoying enemies.

But theres one enemy in particular that's unlike the others... The Black Antoid.

I... LOATHE Antoids. If Attack Slugs and Rowdy Mice weren't insufferable enough, get a load of these assholes.

They'll chip away your health bit by bit, and when you think the battle is about the end, the motherfuckers will call another one of their bros to finish me off, that is after they make me waste all my freshly bought hamburgers.

My way to deal with them is by scrolling the screen to the opposite side every time I encounter one, and then come back after they despawn.

It works, although extremely tedious.

And the worst part is, when I actually somehow get to the Titanic Ant, I always lose the battle, why? Well, theres ANTOIDS FIGHTING ALONGSIDE HIM, CONSTANTLY HEALING EACHOTHER.

To express just how much I utterly despise these things, I have made this shitty MS Paint drawing for everyone to enjoy and admire as if it were an ancient egyptian goddess.

Anyways, it's getting late, it's currently 8:40 PM as of writing this, so i'll give more updates tomorrow.

Also, funny thing: while looking for that Black Antoid clay model I happened to stumble upon worrying amounts of porn, which made me wonder... What kind of sick fuck would jerk off to an ant?


Hello everyone, I have awoken from my slumber. It is now April 17th, and we're already up to a bad start.

Today I happened to wake up with the most agonizing, excruciating throat pain ever, I can't even speak properly without getting the feeling that my throat is getting whipped from the inside, or even swallow anything for that matter.

And if you thought it couldn't get any worse, I also woke up spitting a bunch of blood... yeah.

I took some pills already but they seemed to have no effect, so only god knows what the hell is going to happen to me later today.

Is this oversharing? I guess, but I mean, It's MY SITE after all, I can put whatever the hell I want in here.


Alright, Im typing this sentence at 10:33 AM, the throat pain has weakened, but it's still not completely gone, damn it hurts like hell.

I'm supposed to be on math class right now, but instead im browsing neocities like a retard.

While looking at the "Sites to follow" section, I found this... thing, It was called Dreamycities or whatever, and it was a webcomic.

From the website thumbnail alone I already knew it was going to be some gay shit, it looked as if you gave a newborn LSD and then teached him how to make websites on HTML.

Even the name was bad, 'Dreamycities'? What is this, the Fairly Oddparents?

And oh... When I entered the site, it got much... MUCH worse.

When I say shit looked nasty, I MEAN IT.

Remember when I said you had to have an unique color palette for your character to look recognizable?

Well, seems like this site took it a bit TOO seriously and made all of it's characters have the most blindingly bright, putrid colors possible. Like a 3 year old's coloring book.

You could read the whole thing while wearing 5 different shades of sunglasses stacked on one another at the same time and it would STILL blind you, it's that bad.

And it's not just the characters that have awful coloring... It's EVERYTHING.

From the backgrounds, to the buttons, to the damn website itself... Everything looks horrid.

Another huge gripe I have with this webcomic is that it's more of a slideshow than... a comic.

They reuse the same old backgrounds and same old stock character expressions over and over and over, like those shitty dating sims.

There's barely any scenic variety, It just looks like baby's first PowerPoint, if you cut out all the panels and only left the dialogue it would feel just about the same.


Hello everyone, it's been a while since I last updated this page, I was spending my weekend with my TOTALLY COOL and AWESOME dad.

It is now Monday, April 22nd. A fresh new start of another week, and I've got a lot of things to tell you guys.

While I was driving alongside my dad, I saw this ad for Pepsi, and it reminded me of something from a few months prior.

...Blue Pepsi burgers. Yeah, this actually existed.

It was the stupidest fucking concept for a fast food item, a BLUE. PEPSI. BURGER.

I remember they were advertised like hell, they were EVERYWHERE.

On the cinema, on Youtube, on small ad spots on websites, I couldn't escape them.

But funny thing was, I would never see these outside of ads, I never saw anyone ever order them, or youtubers talking about it, or really anything related to it.

Man, I even tried looking them up in Google, but nothing showed up, it's like if they knew how bad of an idea it was and erased it from existence.

And I mean...



As I said before, I have LITERALLY not seen a SINGLE person ever eat this IRL, and I don't blame them, it looked like fucking poison. Like, If I somehow found one of these and bit into it, I would expect toxic gas to start coming out of it and choke me.

Yes, I know weird, stupid burgers have existed since always, like, a few months ago we also had the CALL OF DUTY burger.

Or hell, in 2009 we had the WINDOWS 7 BURGER.

But the thing that separates this burger from the others is that it looks like something a damn alien would eat, it's FUCKING BLUE. The other burgers just looked like regular fast food (Well, as regular as modern fast food can get).

Imagine if this catched on, what other fast food tie-in abominations would we have gotten next?

Carl's JR's black, disgusting Coca Cola nuggets? Burger King's morbidly huge Notorious B.I.G meatballs? Mcdonald's overly bloated 'Windows 11 Meal' that tastes like nothing?

It sends chills down my spine just thinking about it.

But oh well, thank the almighty god above that atleast we're living on the timeline where this was a huge failure and no one ever cared about it.

Or who knows, maybe I'm just schizophrenic and it was all in my head, that would explain why not even Google knew about it.


On another note, I started playing through Undertale alongside Earthbound.

I remember I used to be OBSESSED with it back in 2016-2018, I wanted it so bad.

And it wasn't until 2019 where I managed to get a hold of the demo and played it after years of wanting it.

...And I found it boring as shit. So for the next 4 years, I stopped caring about Undertale and just thought of it as some overrated fad game, and it wasn't until now that I actually downloaded it (through TOTALLY legal means... totally.) and decided to give it another go.

The start of the game was a bit lame, the dialogue was cheesy and the gameplay was a bit boring, but once I got out of the ruins it got really good.

I really like how unlike Earthbound, if you spare or flee a monster it changes the story and dialogue, very cool concept if you ask me.

The bosses and NPCs are also really charming, they feel like actual real people and not street weirdos that only serve for giving you dumb joke dialogue, or annoyances that constantly get in your way of going through areas. ((((EARTHBOUND)))).

The only thing I've disliked as of now is how Frisk is BLAZING fast, It's probably because I'm too used to Earthbound's slow as fuck Ness, but Frisk just sprints through every area.

I got used to it eventually, but it's still kind of strange, it reminds me of back when I started playing classic Doom, and had trouble controlling Doomguy since he was so damn fast compared to other FPS characters.

And also how in Hotland, Alphys keeps constantly calling you and updating her status, it's funny at first, but when you're trying to get somewhere quickly it becomes a nuisance.

I also feel like the game is just too easy, in Undertale it only takes me about 1 to 3 tries to beat a boss without any healing items, while in Earthbound it usually takes me 5 or even 10 and I always have to stock up on PP and Food beforehand.


Alright, April 24th, and I've got some great news. was just blocked in my school for... some reason.

I wouldn't say I'm mad for this, it's just kinda amusing. I mean, teachers want me (and others) to read more, but when I actually do that by reading something I like, they block it.

They blocked too for whatever reason... You know, MY site, for MY webcomic, that I'm now PROHIBITED to enter.

Speaking of school, I'm doing a presentation for spanish class right now about 5 of our favorite books.

And remember when I said "Who knows, maybe I'm just schizophrenic."? Well, that statement might be true now...



It's like if you gave a monkey LSD and then forced him to make a Powerpoint.

It's so bad I'm getting a headache from just trying to finish it, I have no idea what I'm doing but I keep typing more and more and adding more nonsensical shit, like an auto-pilot of sorts.

But even then... It's kinda cool, honestly.

I might upload something like this on my Youtube channel, since that's were I primarly post dumb shit I make.

I did make something similar to this... thing a while ago, with a series of parodies of those shitty roblox and minecraft videos made by 5 year olds on Bitview.

Except in those I actually knew what I was doing... In this one It's just me having my brain being melted as I try making a Powerpoint presentation for school.

Also, while doing this, some guy somehow got a dead, rotting bird from god knows where and started throwing it around like a Garry's Mod ragdoll, which I find both disgusting and hilarious.


Alright, this is going to be a short one... Like if the last one wasn't short enough already.

I've been browsing through old, cool looking websites like or those Sonic 2 fan pages filled with fanmade fake screenshots, and I was thinking... "Wow! These sites are pretty coolio!! I should make a page on my site that looks just like these."

So I'm now making a new page for good ol' where I can post cool retro videogames shit, in the style of Geekus, the world's AWESOMEST website (Scientifically proven).

Also, speaking of Sonic 2: I made this image a few minutes ago, I don't know what the meaning is behind it but it looks pretty neat in my opinion... I guess I just wanted to make something that looked pretty.

I also made a version of this image but with the background only which I'm posting on the new page, for if by some reason someone happened to stumble upon this page and want to get that sweet sweet background on it's unedited MS Paint glory.